Fillet of fish in a saffron sauce with mushrooms and duchess potatoes

Fillet of fish in a saffron sauce with mushrooms and duchess potatoes

Fillet of fish in a saffron sauce with mushrooms and duchess potatoes


  • 4–5 king oyster mushrooms
  • 1 kg white fish (e.g., monkfish)
  • 200 ml double cream
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 100 ml stock
  • 1 pinch of saffron
  • duchess potatoes
  • oil, salt and pepper

Cut the fish into 3 cm pieces, season with salt and pepper, then fry on both sides.

Stir the flour into the butter, then add the cream and stock and season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and add a pinch of saffron. Continue to cook for another 2–3 minutes to allow the flavour and aroma of the saffron to develop.

Slice the king oyster mushrooms lengthwise, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then fry on both sides.

Pipe and bake swirls of buttery, cheesy potato to make your own duchess potatoes, or buy them ready made.
Pour the sauce over the fish and serve with the mushrooms and potatoes.